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For real estate developers and contractors involved in a full build-out construction project from start-to-finish, we showcase the project’s updates and construction progress throughout the entire building process. 

For each project, we put together a custom Construction Progression & Reporting package that includes weekly drone flight paths to capture videos, photos, and orthomosaic images. We also capture timelapse videos from onsite mounted cameras to show incremental progress from each day to pinpoint where efficiency can be increased and where future delays can be avoided. They can also be used to document the delivery of materials and equipment, personnel on-site, subcontractor hours on site, and 24-hour security recordings. From pre-construction imagery of raw land through the final punch list item, Big Acorn Studios has you covered.

Call us to discuss your project at 770-675-5599

Start to Finish - Full Construction

January 2022 Progress Video

StructureCraft Overview Video

October 2021 Progress Video

September 2021 Progress Video

August 2021 Progress Video

July 2021 Progress Video

June 2021 Progress Video

May 2021 Progress Video

April 2021 Progress Video

Construction Progress Reporting


Progress Videos

Progress Videos are used to compare the current state of a project with where it was previously. Most of our progress videos are created with a drone following a pre-programmed flight path to capture the same path on each scheduled date to easily compare progress updates.

Construction Progression Reports assist the contractor in more efficiently managing the project and keep investors and owners of the project up to date and “in the know”. Timelapse cameras are also mounted for the duration of the project to capture the full process.

Progress Still Photos

High-resolution photos are taken from various angles and altitudes to view progress updates on a regularly scheduled interval. Many of these still photos are taken from programmed locations and angles to easily compare the progress with the previous photos from the same location.


Of course, specific benchmark events during the construction process may need to be documented on a particular day or at a faster interval than other parts, so the schedule can be adjusted to accommodate the criteria for these landmark events.

Orthomosaic Progress Images

Orthomosaic Images are created from a stitched together collection of high-resolution images with the camera pointed straight down to eliminate perspective and lens distortion while greatly increasing accuracy. This “orthorectified” image results in a perfectly straight-down view of all objects in the image without having to shoot the image from a satellite miles away. This precision allows accurate measurements with true uniform distances across the full image like a map. By combining hundreds of images together into a single image, the resolution is greatly increased to add an astounding level of detail.


Othomosaics can be used to estimate material costs, calculate the volume of stockpiles, and collect other valuable data without having to be on site. They are also useful for performing aerial inspections of equipment, facilities, rooftops, solar installations, and unreachable areas.

Move the slider to compare the current construction site to the pre-construction image.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse Videos

We install timeplapse cameras to capture the day to day progress throughout a project's life cycle. These help to show the delays and efficiencies of a job site and also can be used for security monitoring. The video to the left is an example of a Hyperlapse Video created from a series of weekly progression drone video reports.

Project Completion Video

Once the construction project is completed, we also edit and produce an amazing 2-3 minute video showing the full construction process and beauty of the completed project. This is also something contractors and investors use to showcase their success and to entice future projects.

As project packages depend upon the scope of work, we can arrange a meeting to discuss the size, length, and timing of the project. Call today for a custom package.



FAA Part 107 certified commercial drone pilots

sUAS (drone) insured up to $2 million (more avail.)

30+ years of video production experience

20+ years of interior design industry experience

20+ years of hospitality industry experience

20+ years of marketing and branding experience

20+ years of 3D technical animation experience

15+ years of architecture industry experience


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